How A Sense Of Routine Can Help You Reach Your Goals
🎯 Routines help you reach goals & Feel Successful 🎯
This is true for financial, business, relational, wellness, fitness, and any other kinds of goals we set for ourselves. Naturally, at True II Form we tend to focus more on fitness and wellness goals. But the power of routine can be applied to ANY area of these areas in your life. No matter your ambition, a consistent sense of routine can help you achieve what you set out to do.
In this article we are going to take a look at why routines are so potent and share some of our favorite tips for establishing and keeping up our routines to achieve big things.
The Benefits of Establishing A Routine
Routines help us feel in control of our lives by providing structure and organization. Conversely, a lack of structure or routine can contribute to anxiety and overwhelm.
Routines help us:
🎯reduce stress and anxiety levels
🎯feel more focused and productive
🎯form positive habits
🎯take better care of our health and well beingList item
4 Tips for Establishing Routines That Will Help You Reach Your Goals & Feel Successful
For most of us, it is not enough to simply decide what our goals are and say that we are going to accomplish them. We have a much better chance of reaching our goals when we establish a routine around how we are going to achieve them.
Tip #1: Set up Your Goal and Your Routine at the Same Time
One of the most powerful tactics for achieving your goals is to establish the routine you will use to get there at the same time you dream up your goal. Many of us think about what we want to make happen and get excited about that prospect but we fail to consider the how side of the equation. Instead, set up your goal and your routine at the same time. For example, if your goal is to improve your health and well being and you know that moving 2x's or more per week will help you achieve that goal, put the times that you plan to move each week into your personal calendar for the entire month. Don’t wait or overthink it. Just do it and you will feel far more committed establishing that routine.
Tip #2: Triggers Make You Take Action
Actions must be aligned with the goals you want to achieve. One way to help yourself take those actions is to intentionally set up triggers that prompt you to take action. Looking at the previous example. If one of the actions you need to take is moving 2x's per week, put those two times you plan to take class into your calendar and set them up with a reminder on your phone or smart speaker. These triggers will help prompt you to take the action you need to get closer to achieving your goal.
Tip #3: Work it into a Realistic Schedule
Everyone is busy and we all have more to do than time to do it. Or, at the very least, it certainly feels that way. One of the tactics you can use to make your routine work best for you is to work it into a schedule that is actually achievable and realistic. For example, if you are not a morning person, don't plan on scheduling your movement sessions in the morning. You are probably way less likely to actually do them. Work your routine into your existing schedule in a way feels realistic. This part involves being honest with yourself.
Tip #4: Set Yourself Up for Success
Take away any excuses or distractions so that taking goal-oriented action is easier. Set yourself up in such a way that saying yes to your routine is easier than saying no. There is a practical and psychological aspect to this routine-setting tip.
On the practical side, you can do things like laying out your workout clothes, and filling your water bottle, the day before. This way if something unexpected happens it is less likely to impact your routine. You are already ready to go!
Psychologically speaking, taking those small steps will make you feel more committed. You will be far less likely to decide to skip your practice if you have already put pre-thought and energy into when you are going to get things done!
At True II Form we are here to help you set goals and be part of the routine that will help you achieve them! We welcome the opportunity to discuss your unique needs and desires. If you are new here email us and snag a spot on our schedule for a complimentary consultation and if you have been here for a minute but want to talk about what you are working on, we would LOVE to hear from. you too.